Tisha Gupta AIR 3 (99.4%)
Tisha Gupta, a student of St. Anselms Sr. Sec. School, Alwar scored 497 marks out of 500 in the CBSE class 12th Board examinations. She secured AIR 3 by scoring a perfect 100 in Maths, Economics and Business studies. She was an exemplary student who was the greatest source of pride and inspiration for all the students of her school. It was her continuous and focussed approach which led to her high grades. Albeit being a very diligent and hard-working student, she never let arrogance be a part of her character. It’s often remarked “Work hard in silence and let your success make the noise”. These lines would find a perfect example in Tisha. She was the kind of student who would never give up.
As the Head Girl of the school, Tisha had been shouldering an immense amount of responsibility. She had constantly been securing exceptionally high grades in academics. She had been a versatile student. In fact, gold medals and Tisha had been synonymous of each other. Apart from the excellence in academics, she also excelled in the non-academic arena. Decorations by medals and awards in the various competitions like quiz, debates, essay writing competitions and elocution competitions was a common sight. She even has a flair for writing and composes beautiful poems and articles for magazines. Another feather in the cap is her excellent acting skills.
Even after winning so many awards she always had a very humble approach. One of her most remarkable character traits is her extraordinary helping nature. Coming from a middle-class family with a very sound upbringing, she loves to help her classmates and friends. Most of her classmates found a Good Samaritan in her and would often flock around her to clear their doubts. In fact, most of nights before the board exams she was busy explaining the doubts to her friends till midnight.
Above all, being a consistently and persistently hard-working student, she had always maintained her aim with the same zeal. Her success can be summed up as “Success is the sum of small efforts being repeated day in and day out.”
Toppers have many positive habits and mindsets that enable them to perform well and achieve success. Can you suggest a few such habits and thought patterns which can help your juniors improve their grades and overall life?
Visualisation while understanding the topics is an important and effective thought pattern. It improves the learning and understanding capacity of mind. Also I have a habit of reading which boosts me up.
How are you feeling after acing this year’s board exams? How did your teachers and parents help you in your preparation for the board exams?
I am highly elated with the results. It’s been a great feeling to see everyone around you proud and happy. My parents devoted their time, effort, care and everything they could to guide and uplift my morale. My teachers supported me through all possible means whether it was about clearing doubts or providing the necessary study material.
What aspects of your usual behaviour changed during the exam period? For example, did you sleep less, experience anxiety or eat more junk food?
As exams drew close I experienced an opposite change in my behaviour like I slept more and more . Though anxiety was there knocking on the door of my confidence. It felt like things are crashing down and you don’t remember anything. But then it’s about standing again everyday with greater determination.
Toppers know that studying in a clutter-free environment is the easiest way to maximise productivity. Can you suggest some ways to build an efficiency-friendly environment for studying?
A mind willing to study can do it any environment and any circumstances. But still one can increase efficiency by not having any gadgets around. Also with fewer people around you while you study fades your urge to talk and gossip thus helping you concentrate more on the topic.
Multitasking is indeed better for excelling in exams but however one must not go off the track that leads you to your destination.
Do you believe in multitasking or monotasking? Which one of these do you think is better for excelling in exams? And why?
Multitasking is indeed better for excelling in exams but however one must not go off the track that leads you to your destination. The other tasks that you perform increases your efficiency and doesn’t let you get bored.
Students of not-so-privileged families often find it hard to balance their studies with their family obligations. Any simple time management tips for them?
They must help their family because it is their priority. However they should try to make use of whatever time is available to them. They must try to retain the maximum of lessons taught in classroom itself.
Recent research suggests success is partly driven by life skills. Self-motivation and self-control seem to be a better predictor of success than IQ in school and beyond. Do you agree? Why?
Education and marks are two very different aspects which we often fail to realise. Marks indeed help you to smoothen the way to your dream colleges but education and the real life skills that it teaches is what takes you to your success.
A common question every student wants to ask the toppers is that on an average, how many hours a day did you study?
Initially I focused on being regular so it was about 3 to 4 hours a day. However what matters is you complete your daily target regardless of the time. Later the hours were increased and decreased as per convenience.
Rural students are high on talent but low on confidence. Can you share any confidence-boosting tips for them?
Confidence plays a great role in getting you the desired results. The rural students must share and raise their opinions. Asking doubts or presenting answers in the classroom can really boost it up.
How do you switch off from studies? What are your favourite stress-busters?
My favourite stress-busters are reading, listening to music and having a good conversation with friends or family.
So study in intervals and put your efforts in right direction.
There are two types of students in government and budget schools. One who study very hard and the other who don’t like to study at all. But one thing that is common in them is that they feel dissatisfied with their effort to reward ratio. Do you have any effective study tips for them so that they fully reap the benefits of their efforts?
The ones who study very hard must remember that there is a capacity of brain and if you try to load everything in one go then it would be as good as nothing . So study in intervals and put your efforts in right direction.
While the ones who do not study at all , always remember that hard-work beats intelligence when intelligence doesn’t work hard. So if you think you have got a brain or you don’t need to study then you must ponder over it again.
Positivity is one of the main ingredients of well-being. And well-being is one of the main ingredients of success. Your results indicate that you are a positive person. So in this cut-throat competitive world, how do you sidestep negativity and ensure that you remain a positive person?
It’s always the perception that makes the way you feel. According to me your outlook or your thoughts make you what you are.. positive or negative. We are indeed in a world where healthy competition is a rare commodity but I was lucky to have it. My batch-mates were very supportive and encouraging.
Paying attention is classroom is one of the most important things a student can do to excel in exams. How do you take active part in your learning process and make the most of your teachers’ teachings?
My dad always said one thing to me, “Always revise today’s work today itself and there would be no need of anything else.” His words became my strategy. By asking doubts, understanding things and making short notes there itself I was able to take most of my teacher’s teachings.
How did you maintain your momentum throughout the year and what did you do to break the monotony of preparation?
One must begin studying as year begins. Last moment studies for even 14-15 hours can’t do any good. So I was regular from the beginning though I lost my momentum somewhere but everytime I would remind myself my reasons and my motivation behind. To break the monotony of preparation I used to ring up to my friends who helped me calm and relax.
Revision is important to ensure that you are able to retain and recall your lessons. How do you a ensure quick and effective brush up before exams?
The gaps between the exams are never meant for studies … they are actually a time for revision. So that’s where you do an elaborated revision. However quick brush up before the day of exam can’t be done of entire syllabus, one must shortlist the topics that need “a minute before” revision.
What are the most important things that students should focus on while preparing for the boards?
They must realise that it’s not the syllabus of class 12 but the pressure of 12 boards which makes it difficult. Due to this pressure students often don’t take enough sleep which is most crucial. A good sleep before exam can double your efficiency.
Priya Sarin