Be Positive

Positivity is not merely a key to success; it’s the key to life. Your journey to become a positive person can be divided into the following three parts.

Get rid of negativity

To feel positive, it is important to decrease the downers in your life.  Without getting rid of negativity, you cannot expect positivity to enter your life. Remember— Either positivity or negativity can stay in your life. And it is you, who decides which one stays.

Take care of your health

  • A healthy body is the abode of a healthy mind. So focus on your diet and physical activity.
  • Being physically active will give a boost to positivity. Exercise for half an hour daily. You can try yoga, skipping, walking, cycling, dancing or any other fun, physical activity.
  • Eat well. Don’t skip meals and don’t eat too much junk food. It will make you lethargic.
  • Sleep well. Have at least 7 hours of quality sleep every day.  Try to have a regular sleep pattern. It will not only make you healthier but also happier.
  • Laughter is the proven best medicine. So remember to laugh and make others laugh.
  • Indulge in a good constructive hobby that will not just make you happy but also hone your skills.
  • Mediate for 15 minutes daily and see the difference.

Look For the Positive in Life and Reinforce Positivity in Yourself

  • Keep a gratitude diary. Write down all the good things others do for you. This way you will realize how much you are loved.
  • Now that you have a gratitude diary, thank all the people who have done something good for you. Let them know you appreciate their efforts. This way you will not just make them happy but also ensure that you continue to receive their love and help.
  • Write down all your accomplishments whether big or small. Write down how you helped others. This way you will feel better and happier.
  • Remember yourself 5 years back. Now see how long you have come in these years.
  • Next, imagine yourself 5 years from now. Write down what you want to be. Now take help from your teachers, parents or friends and determine how to make your dreams a reality.
  • Make a goal list. Tick whenever you achieve one. This will not only make you feel better when you achieve a goal, but will also keep you on track so that you achieve every goal of yours.
  • Help people. And feel the gratification you get from helping others. This will not only earn you a good name and good wishes but also make you feel more content.
  • Appreciate people and they will appreciate you in return. You get what you reap. So if you want others to appreciate and praise you, make sure you do the same.

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” ~Winston Churchill

~ Asst. Editor, SD.

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