Sarantha Correa – AIR 3

Sarantha Danielle Correa from Bombay Scottish School secured AIR 3 in the ISCE (Class X) board examinations. With a total of 594 out of 600, she scored 99% and came third all over the country. This wise little girl is here to help you score better by guiding you on how to overcome exam related stress, prioritise your life and study better. Let’s pay heed to this champ and follow her lead.

Most students label ‘lack of time’ as the main hurdle on their road to success. But your results show that you surely know how to manage your priorities and create a balance in your life. Can you share some tips regarding how you prioritise your life and make the most of your time?

>>   If you really want to do a thing, you always find time for it. It’s important to choose a hobby and not too many. Make a reasonable deadline for each topic. Make sure to understand concepts well in advance. This will save time while revising for exams. Lastly it’s always good to feel you have less time, but convert your fear into results. Most of us tend to work best under pressure.

Can you share a few study techniques and tips that you followed to make studying easier and fun?

>>   For subjects like maths and science it’s important to understand concepts and put in regular work and solve papers and time yourself. For subjects like social studies, commercial applications and English, it is important to read and revise over and over again so as to remember as much as possible. For languages read, hear and speak. Make a timetable that allots time for both work and recreation.

Morning revision is very helpful maybe just by turning pages, many important points stick in.

Little things make big difference. And exam day is rightly called the D-Day. Any specific things you kept in your mind while giving your exams?

>>   Be prepared to sacrifice your sleep if required. Little sacrifices could go a long way. Morning revision is very helpful maybe just by turning pages, many important points stick in. Prepare with the idea of getting 100% and nothing less no matter how terrible you are at the subject.

How did you overcome exam related stress and anxiety? What were your stress busters?

>>   It is important to dedicate time to hobbies, but at the same time make sure they don’t come in the way of you studies. It’s important to choose between hobbies whilst preparing for board exams. I chose piano which gave me happiness as well as discipline. I recommend that no matter how hard it is, everyone must try to practice either a sport or musical instrument as it gives you all round development and keeps you grounded. If you have finished your work well in advance, you have sufficient time to revise, thus stress and anxiety automatically become less. Stay calm and say a little prayer before each examination.

~ Priya Sarin

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