Chahat Bodhraj – AIR 3

Chahat Bodhraj, a student of Neerja Modi School, Jaipur scored 99.4% in the CBSE class 12th boards exams. With a perfect 100 in five subjects and a 97 in English, this Rajasthan Topper scored 497 out of 500 and bagged AIR 3. She gives the credit for her success to her parents and teachers who provided her with unconditional support and expert guidance. Besides being academically bright, Chahat is passionate about art and psychology. A truly talented painter, she won the Golden Artist award at the Picasso Art Contest, an International Online Art Contest with the participation of students from more than 59 countries worldwide. A true all-rounder, she has actively participated in debates and quizzes such as the National Level Psychology Quiz. Her hobbies include playing the piano, reading books and sketching. Chahat’s success mantra lies in being consistent. In this interview with Priya Sarin, this young winner will show you the way to success and help you excel in exams.

Chahat Bodhraj, a student of Neerja Modi School, topped Rajasthan and bagged AIR 3

Chahat Bodhraj, a student of Neerja Modi School, topped Rajasthan and bagged AIR 3

School is the basic foundation on which the pillars of a student’s success are built. How did your teachers and parents help you in your preparation for the board exams?
>>     Both my teachers and parents have played crucial roles in ensuring that I could give my best. All my subject teachers put in their best to help all of us practise as much as we could. They were very approachable even if it was late at night and were very responsive and willing to help with the doubts I had. They made sure I practised the previous year papers and gave me valuable feedback for my answer sheets. My mother, on the other hand, gave me unconditional support and made sure that I took enough rest and ate properly everyday. She would sacrifice all her interests and hobbies to ensure that I could study in peace.

What is your favourite subject? And why do you like it?
>>     Even though I chose all the subjects that I truly liked, Psychology and English were my favourite ones. English was a subject I enjoyed every year in school and I also shared a good rapport with my English teachers. As for Psychology, I really got hooked on the subject after participating in a Psychology quiz. It helped me learn more about the subject and I was amazed by the plethora of interesting theories that one could learn in the subject.

Can you share a few study techniques and tips that you followed?
>>     I believe that the only reason I achieved this success was because I was studying the whole year round. With the huge syllabus, it only made sense to give a good amount of time to every subject. I tried to perform my best in all tests, even if they were just practice tests. I feel that writing so many tests allowed me to revise the syllabus several times before the boards and by the time the final boards had begun, it became easier for me to recall what I had learned. By the end of the year, I was practising the previous year papers as well which allowed me to understand what I could expect in the final exams.

Different students have different learning styles. What is yours? How do you ensure that you study efficiently and effectively?
>>     I tried to give a good amount of time to all subjects especially English. Many students tend to take English for granted. Other than that, I studied all chapters many times which made it easier to retain what I studied. With subjects like history and psychology, I tried to read out the text and explain whatever I read to myself to see if I would be able to write it in the exam. So, while I studied I always needed a very quiet environment where I could be able to recite what I was studying simultaneously.

Usually, writing down short notes of what one has learned or explaining the text to another person or yourself really helps.

Most students forget what they have studied in just a few days. Any tips for improving the memory and ensuring better retain and recall?
>>     The best way of improving memory would be to use certain memory mnemonics. Usually, writing down short notes of what one has learned or explaining the text to another person or yourself really helps. And if you study the syllabus throughout the year, recalling will not be difficult. Forming associations between different bits of information in interesting ways can help in ensuring better retain.

Sacrificing co-curricular activities due to academics can really affect an individual’s overall development. Additionally, such activities help students relax and get rid of the stress from academics by diverting the mind for some time.

Many students find it hard to balance academics and co-curricular activities. And hence, they tend to sacrifice one for the sake of another. But an all-rounder like you can surely share some tips on how to keep a balance in life and keep learning new things?
>>     It was a difficult task for me to balance all the pressures of grade 12 but I feel like the only reason I was able to give time to almost everything was because I was using my time in a more valuable manner. Because I had a good practice of the course, I would occasionally get time to participate in competitions and events. Moreover, it did not become a burden for me in the end as I was able to balance it out from the start. Sacrificing co-curricular activities due to academics can really affect an individual’s overall development. Additionally, such activities help students relax and get rid of the stress from academics by diverting the mind for some time. So, I believe that a proper timetable from the beginning can help such students achieve all their goals and spare time for themselves.

Paying attention in classroom is one of the most important things a student can do to excel in exams. How do you take active part in your learning process and make the most of your teachers’ teachings?
>>     I was someone who would almost never miss school and that helped me be at par with what was going on in class. My approach to classroom teaching always included interaction. I tried my best to ask whatever doubts I had whenever I had them. It is easier to recall information when it is discussed thoroughly and so such an approach really helped me during my exams. Moreover, I would discuss what I learned with my friends which helped me retain what I studied best.

Usually studying all day or night can cause a lot of stress. Taking occasional breaks which may include baking, talking to family or watching funny videos can help reduce the stress to a greater extent.

 There is an increase in the levels of stress and anxiety among teenagers. Any tips for dealing with negative emotions and ensuring that they don’t come in the way of your success march?
>>     I think the best way to deal with negative emotions is to balance out your routine. Usually studying all day or night can cause a lot of stress. Taking occasional breaks which may include baking, talking to family or watching funny videos can help reduce the stress to a greater extent. I would reward myself with one funny video after every small target that I set. This would motivate me to study and would also lighten up my mood.

~ Priya Sarin

Chahat Bhodraj's marksheet

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