Sakshi Saxena AIR 2 (99.6%)
Sakshi Saxena, a student of class XI Non-Medical, secured 2nd position at All India level in CBSE class X board examination 2018-19 by securing 498 out of 500 with an aggregate percentage of 99.6%. She aspires to crack JEE. She loves reading books, magazines and newspapers. And she is also passionate about sketching especially nature.
Her past achievements include a lot of prizes and medals that she won in different Olympiads or other competitive examinations right from her childhood. But the most significant one is being the ‘Rajasthan State Topper’ in NSTSE (2011-12) conducted by Unified Council when she was in class III. This all-rounder also secured 4th rank at national level in ‘Aims Talent Examination 2018-19 conducted by Centre of Excellence in class X.
In my interaction with students, I have observed that toppers give credit of their success to their teachers and parents. And I have also observed that non-achievers blame their bad performance on their parents and teachers, i.e., on anyone except themselves. Your take?
Success is a result of consistent efforts made by teachers, parents and students. But I also believe that main difference is due to the regular study carried out by students. It is not possible without the constant support and guidance by teachers and parents. It is the result of our collective constructive efforts.
When left unchecked, our mind has a tendency to drift towards the negative and that is why we often become nervous, anxious and tensed during exams. Toppers usually have better control over their minds. This not only helps them feel better but also ensure that they score well. Can you suggest some thought patterns which can help your juniors especially the not-so-privileged children cultivate positive thinking?
Having faith in ourselves, regular studies without being overconfident or underestimating ourselves will definitely help us in overcoming the negative thoughts as they are like a poison and positivity is an elixir.
Good revision sessions are the shortcut to success in exams. During exam days, how do you revise your lessons and ensure a quick brush up?
My personal experience says that meditation is the best way to control anxiety and improve self esteem. After finishing syllabus, doing ten year papers, learning formulas, gaining thorough knowledge and clarity of concepts are very essential for attaining excellence.
Toppers know that studying in a clutter-free environment is the easiest way to maximize productivity. Can you suggest some ways to build an efficiency-friendly environment for studying?
Before exams important concepts/formula must be done through practice. Environment plays a major role in preparation, improving concentration and keeping mind positive. Keeping books and notes in an arranged manner makes the environment study friendly.
Most students fail to understand the difference between being busy (just doing something) and being productive (doing something important). How do you ensure that you are productive and result-oriented?
Well ventilated room with plenty of light facing north direction, regular and planned studies, giving a definite time to each subject, allotting separate time for revision, are the points to be kept in the mind. As in my case I used to watch TV for a fixed half an hour. Studying for long hours at a stretch is not required as it will not necessarily produce best result. Our mind would be fresh if we take breaks in between. Self assessment test gives confidence.
Being bored is almost impossible in this digital age. But then, boredom has been proven to boost creative thinking. Do you spend some tech-free time to clear your mind? Does it help?
In my free time, I like to read newspaper, magazine or take a walk. It refreshes my mind and allows me to concentrate more.
Every student has a unique ability to achieve success but the major thing that makes the difference is the constant effort made by student as per his/her aptitude in the right direction.
As it is said, your attitude determines your altitude. How do you keep a positive attitude and beat stress and anxiety during the hectic exam season?
Every student has a unique ability to achieve success but the major thing that makes the difference is the constant effort made by student as per his/her aptitude in the right direction.
Self-control plays an important role in life especially during the formative years. How do you avoid temptations and ensure that you remain focused on important things?
Avoiding social media except for studies. Keep the target fixed in view. As rightly said temptations like whatsapp and facebook need to be avoided. If we keep mobile or computers out of our reach for a week, our heart and mind know that these are out of reach, so no more urge is felt to use them.
Winners often have their priorities in check. How do you practice the art of balancing between academics and co-curricular activities?
I like to allot fixed time for studies and co-curricular activities. Co-curricular activities were my priorities up to middle school, now my regular evening walks and games periods in the school are sufficient for me, so my priorities are set to achieve my academic goals.
Students of government and budget school do not have adequate resources and facilities. Can you share some simple self-study techniques and tips for them?
Practicing sample papers and last year papers and reading NCERT books thoroughly should be the main priority.
To succeed in annual exams, one needs to be consistent in his or her studies throughout the year. But it is easier said than done and one is likely to burn out. What are the things that helped you overcome mental and emotional fatigue?
By not being over-stressed and overburdened, doing regular studies and not taking pressure to learn everything at the end of year during the exams.
In my case, I never missed out any family wedding or festivals and remained calm and studied sincerely. But at the time of studying I used to give my 100%.
A curious mind plays an important role in a student’s quest for knowledge. It helps him learn new things and become better. What are your views on the importance of being curious and inquisitive?
Being curious is very important as it helps one to understand every topic in depth and clear doubts from different sources.
In general happy people are healthy people, and healthy people are happy people. And happy and healthy people have a better shot at success. Do you agree? Why?
Being healthy, makes a person happy. Happy people are not overburdened and have positive thoughts. Avoiding stress and unwanted distraction and negative argument make the person happy. One can be happy if he/she avoids being negative and compete with others all the time in a healthy manner.
Self control and self motivation are not only important but also necessary to achieve success in any field.
Self-motivation and self-control are necessary to succeed in school and beyond. One thing that sets a topper apart from an average people is self-motivation. Achievers are usually self-starters while other students have to be nagged to do anything. What are your thoughts on this? Can you guide the not-so-privileged children on how to be a self-starter?
Self control and self motivation are not only important but also necessary to achieve success in any field. These strategies can help us to avoid stress, make studies interesting and be punctual about studies and other activities.
Children who are not so privileged, should make their goal to be high academic achiever, keeping in mind better social, economic standard of life. It should be the motivating factor to set high targets and working hard to achieve them.
There is no dearth of talent in most rural students but they don’t have optimum confidence. Can you share how you overcome negativity and remain optimistic and confident in this cut-throat competitive world?
Keeping faith in yourself, trying again and again, learning from failures and never to give up. Don’t let your fear or insecurity stop you from achieving success. Achievements develop confidence. Therefore, such rural children must concentrate on performing to the best of their abilities, appreciation shall follow and make them more confident.
Students of not-so-privileged families often find it hard to balance their studies with their family obligations. Can you share some tips on creating a balance in life and practising good time management?
In my case, I had some family obligations too. In some situations, it was too hard to study when my mother was under medication and my grandmother expired. I overcame these unfortunate hurdles by setting my priorities right and managing time wisely.
Such students should complete their home obligations by 8:00 p.m. and devote rest of the time to studies from 8:00 to 12:00. Also, they should be more attentive in their class while teaching in going on.
Use the technology only when required. One should understand what is necessary such as social media or studies.
What methods do you follow to prevent the 21st century distractions like TV, phone, internet from interfering with your study time? Can you suggest some simple tips to your juniors, particularly those who are low on self-control and high on impulsivity, so that they can stop wasting their precious time on trivial things?
One should have self control. Use the technology only when required. One should understand what is necessary such as social media or studies. I personally do not have a social media account as yet and am not facing any major problem as such.
There are two types of students in government and budget schools. One who studies very hard and another who doesn’t like to study at all. But one thing that is common in them is that they feel dissatisfied with their effort to reward ratio. Do you have any effective study tips for them so that they fully reap the benefits of their efforts?
One should study in a productive manner. They should move from easy to difficult to score marks, this small success will motivate them to reach next level and finally the top!
Notes are a student’s most important weapon. And winners like you have powerful weapons. Any note-making tips for your juniors?
Notes should be brief and precise, easy to understand and full of graphs and flow charts. NCERT books must be thoroughly studied 10 year papers are of great help.
Priya Sarin