Remembering Bapu- The Real Way

Mahatma Gandhi was not just a freedom fighter, he was also a great philosopher. We celebrate the birthday of Father of the Nation every year. But this year, let’s take a moment to understand what he wanted us to understand. Let’s pay our tribute to him by following his teachings.

Here are some quotes by GandhiJi which we should not just learn but follow.

  • Change yourself – you are in control.
  • Continue to grow and evolve.
  • It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.
  • Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.
  • Anger is the enemy of non-violence and pride is a monster that swallows it up.
  • I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.
  • Be the change that you want to see in the world.
  • Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding.
  • A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.
  • First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
  • Without action, you aren’t going anywhere.

Corruption and hypocrisy ought not to be inevitable products of democracy, as they undoubtedly are today. ~ Mahatma Gandhi.

Mahatma Gandhi’s teachings still relevant for Indians today: Dalai Lama

Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, has said that the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi are still relevant for Indians today. Describing Gandhi as the Apostle of Peace, the Dalai Lama said: “We (Tibetans) really admire Mahatma Gandhi’s concept of non-violence and respect for all religions. Any person who admires his work, his views, we must implement it.”

He said that India is the guiding light for the entire Orient and that it should adhere to Gandhian values.

~Compiled by SD Network

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