Rahul Jassal

Rahul Jassal, a topper from Bhavan Vidyalaya, Panchkula has some really practical study tips for you all. Apart from excelling in exams, this young achiever has been learning Japanese since 9th class and considers it as one of his main stress busters during these two years. His other stress busters include listening to peaceful music and watching anime. He strongly believes in the power of understanding concepts from the bottom of the heart, practicing regularly and making short notes for proper revision. Let’s see how he did it and learn a thing or two from this practical lad!

How did your school and parents help you achieve this feat ?

>>  I would say that at least 60% of my success is due to hard efforts of my parents and my teachers. In school our teachers provided us with in depth-knowledge of each topic of their respective subjects. You know, they made our fear toward the subject go away. Our principal, also made many efforts for us by providing regular tests and extra classes to ensure practice and the low scorers to rise up.
My parents are the most supportive parents in the world. They have never compared my scores with scores of a third child. At times I scored low they wouldn’t scold me but would motivate me, encourage me to do better next time and that helped me a lot when I felt anxiety or stress.

Students consider physical health as well-being but winners like you know that well-being is a broad concept which includes good brainpower too. Any simple tips you would like to share for boosting the brainpower?

>>  There are many ways for doing this but the most basic is by being creative and broadening your perspective about things. Thinking out of the box and trying to do things in a different manner than that it is usually done, not only boost your brainpower but also increase your problem solving skills, your focus, and your personality. Also, learning something new helps a lot, I started learning Japanese since 9th class and it was one of me stress buster during the two years.

How did you overcome exam related stress and anxiety? What were your stress busters?

>>  Well, like any other student studying in 9th and 10th would know that he/she encounters stress and anxiety many times during these two years, I have also encountered stress a lot. For overcoming stress and all the anxiety is simply to do things what you like to do, what you are good in, empty all the negative thoughts and meet people whom you like to spend time with. I usually listened to peaceful music or watched anime to drive my stress away.

A common complaint among most students is that they find it hard to concentrate. Any tips on the same?

>>  Yes, concentrating while studying is difficult for students. The power of concentration differs from person to person but that doesn’t means you can improve it or worsen it. So, for improving your concentration firstly, you should find your own ways of studying. Secondly,while studying stay away from any distractions. Thirdly start studying with a fresh mind and lastly create your interest in the subject.

Good memory is vital for success in exams. How did you ensure that you are able to remember and recall what you have studied?

>>  I study, repeat before my parents, revise what is not perfect and again repeat. Besides, repeated tests and examinations-Offline and Online help you a lot.

Achievers tend to lead an organised life. How do you deal with clutter and organise your stuff?

>>  Well, I think it is a common myth that toppers study all the day they have fixed routines, no time to waste. For me, I had no time table and every time I would create one I couldn’t keep up to it any ordinary student can,and as the phrase goes “smart work is much better than hard work”, so it isn’t that only a proper and fixed schedule of studying help you score better,but it is the regular practice and your understanding of the topics that help you achieve success.

Can you share a few study techniques and tips that you followed?

>>  See, each and every student has a different way of learning and studying and one should find his or her own,the one in which he or she finds is most comfortable. Some techniques that I follow are:

#  Regular practice and revision are a must revision helps in not forgetting the previous topics and practice ensures good grip on those topics.
#  Be sure to take breaks while studying and if you don’t feel like studying at all it would be better to take a nap and start with a fresh mind.
#  Always open up to your teachers about the things which trouble you, spend time with family and don’t remain too engrossed in your books.
#  I would prefer if students pause their social media usage because from my experience, they distract you the most and hence, I deleted all my accounts at early time.
#  Some short notes would be helpful for future during preparation of the examinations.

Any specific things you kept in your mind while taking the exams?

>>  I kept the following things in my mind while taking the exams:

#  Determination and a positive mind.
#  Even after the exam one should feel content and say to himself/herself,”I gave my best shot.”
#  It’s a simple ‘funda’ negative thoughts attract negative results and positive mind and thoughts bring positive results, so one should not feel down or low if he/she feels confused or in a fix while giving the exams. If it happens, then drop your pen, close your eyes, take some deep breaths and start from a new question and things would start becoming easy.
#  So, finally while giving the examination one should have confidence, kept a smile on his/her face, do his best and always remember, that life is not a race.

~  Priya Sarin

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