The Risk Assessment Quiz

We all know about our physical strength. But very few of us know about our mental and emotional strength. Champ has designed this Quiz to help you assess yourself and take action to become better and stronger. And remember for this quiz, the lower the score, the better – 0/100 is ideal.

This quiz will take less than 5 minutes to complete. Each question presents a situation wherein you are supposed to answer the frequency of how often and how strongly you experience it. Remember, this is not an academic test or a test of your abilities. This is just a self-introspection activity to let you know where you stand and how can you become better and improve your life. So try to be as honest as you can be.

Do you sleep too much or too less than the required hours and feel that your quality of sleep is poor?
Do you seek validation from outsiders for your self-esteem?
Do you find it difficult to concentrate and make decisions?
Do you feel too conscious about your body image?
Do you feel your behaviour is more dictated by what others will think about it instead of what you feel about it?
Do you feel lonely even when you are surrounded by people?
Do negative emotions like anger, depression affect you a lot?
Do you feel lost and dissatisfied with no sense of purpose in life?
Do you have trouble sharing your thoughts and feelings with others?
Do you feel like running away from your life?
Do you have trouble falling asleep?
Do you feel left out and alone?
Do you feel like you have no sense of purpose in life?
Do you feel dependent on the internet and feel anxious when away from your gadgets?
Do you feel you are unable to take criticism in your stride and get affected by it a lot?
Do you feel tired even without doing any physical or mental exertion?
Do you feel overburdened and anxious?
Do you make your decisions based on what others are doing instead of what you want to do?
Do you have an unhealthy appetite wherein you either feel very hungry or not hungry at all?
Do you find yourself more concerned about what others think about you than what you think about yourself?

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