Anger: Your Ally or Your Enemy?

We all know that uncontrolled anger only makes things worse. So why do we get angry?

Have you ever been angry?  No one can say No. Feeling angry is very common human emotion. Sometimes we all get angry which is normal. But what is unhealthy is uncontrolled anger. In other words, our excessive or ongoing reaction to this normal and human emotion is harmful. Uncontrolled anger can also lead to many health problems. So when unmanaged, it can be very harmful not only for others but also for your own self.


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Anger is a very powerful emotion. It is a warning bell that tells us that something is wrong. If we take the hint and act responsibly, it can be an ally rather than an enemy.

That is why managing anger is a very important life skill. As per studies, a person experiences anger on an average of six times a day. Such a frequent and powerful emotion must be dealt with properly. It is said, ‘Control your anger before it controls you’.  Moreover, the desire to manage our anger has to come from within us because if others try to control our anger, it could add fuel to the fire.

Here are some time-tested tips and techniques to manage your anger. So get ready to become the master of your anger instead of being its slave.

  • Stop being angry on things that are beyond your control.
  • Keep a diary, name it anger diary. Write the incidents where you got angry and try to understand how and why you got mad.
  • If your anger is due to a specific person, talk to him/her and sort it out. More often than not, you will find that your anger was unnecessary and the issue was not as big as you made in your mind.
  • Instead of being angry on a problem, try to solve it. Analyze it deeply and find its solutions. This way you will remove the root cause of your anger.
  • Practice relaxation techniques, if not meditation or yoga, you can try music, art etc.
  • Have a balanced diet and proper sleep.
  • Do regular exercise. It will not only keep you healthy and fit but also help you in managing your anger.

~ Riya S P

Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret-it leads only to evil (Psalm 37:8)

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