Jai Samir Modi

Fountainhead School’s topper Jai Samir Modi aced his IGCSE examinations with a distinction. He made his school proud by scoring 5 A*. Apart from academics, this all-rounder has excelled in sports as well. He has played basketball (state level) and badminton (district level). What’s more! He has also cleared Trinity examinations of speech and drama level 5 with a distinction. Let’s learn more about Jai Samir Modi’s study methods and techniques and follow his footsteps.

Good schooling and proper parental support are the main pillars behind every student’s success. What role did your teachers and parents play in your success?

>>    It is rightly said that “Life doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a Mother.” My first and foremost teacher is my mother who went on and gave me undying support from the moment I am at home. Cooking food is a different story but serving it on the study table that too a number of times in a day is the most painstaking task. But then, only a mother can make it possible. If you don’t know any math sum or you don’t understand any subject, mother is the first person who starts searching for one and makes you understand in the simplest way. A wise man once said “A Father is neither an anchor to hold us nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way”. No matter whatever the situation he was facing, my dad gave me the greatest gift, he believed in me. He is my role model of sheer hard work, perseverance and passion of following my dream. Lastly I can say god cannot be there every time so he created parents.
Teachers are the torch-bearer for change, you may hate them or you may love them but they are the ones who know what to give and how much to give to make things understandable. It is rightly said by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam “The purpose of education is to make human beings with skill and expertise. Enlightened human being can be created by teachers.” My teachers didn’t leave any stone unturned in my journey of education. They were the source of knowledge to me then and they are the source on knowledge to me today.

Positive thinking is an essential trait that differentiates the toppers from struggling students. It helps them to meet the challenges of life head on and achieve success. Can you suggest a few habits which can help your juniors remain positive in today’s world?

>>    The primary thing which every student needs to keep in mind is that “Difficult road often lead to beautiful destinations. Don’t Quit.”
Secondly I remember the quote from Swami Vivekananda who said “Thinking positively isn’t about expecting the best to happen every time, but accepting whatever happens is best for this moment to cherish”.
You have to believe one thing that the so called battle of education is not over just because I didn’t win. That means you need to be proactive in your studies. Discipline is of prime importance for positive thinking.
Fourthly you need to understand that every day is a new day, every hour is the new hour and every second is a new second, so why not to consider every second, hour and day as a new beginning. What is in past has gone and would never come back, future is always blurred so think of what you can do today at present. This is what positive thinking is all about.

A good revision is the key to excelling in exams. During exam days, how do you revise your lessons and ensure a quick brush up?

>>    Every computer has a RAM and mind is a RAM for human body. So just like a RAM you can’t store everything for longer period of time. Human have the capacity to store any information for 7 days. So one thing every student can do or make a habit is to revise whatever they have studied within 7 days of time. Revision is not difficult, the matter of fact is that it takes only an hour to just go through what you have learnt in last 7 days. For example, if you have studied 2 chapters of Science on Monday then make sure that you revise it latest by Sunday. Again revise the same 2 chapters on next Sunday. This will help you to remember the chapters easily. Just allocate each day for each subject and this would be simple for you to remember your subject matter for longer period of time.

Clutter doesn’t seem to bother students much. But then, it is said that keeping your surroundings clean is important for success. What are your views on this?

>>    Keeping your surrounding clean here means, keeping all the gadgets and gizmos away from your study room. The biggest clutter in any student’s life is whatsapp and facebook. Today we have converted from teenagers to screenagers, seminars become webinars, where coexistence is getting forgotten. So we have to put it in focus that education is not just mugging up the lessons and writing exams, it is not coming on the top of the class. The most important thing is the implementation part which is forgotten. My father always says one thing, try to differentiate between well studied vs well learned vs well implemented. So at the end of the day what you have taken from education in your real life is important. So try to clean your mind (surroundings) from mobile phones, video games and idiot box (TV).

~  Priya Sarin

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