Why Student’s Digest?

Several studies confirm that children who grow up with strong, positive values are healthier, happier and more successful in life. They know how to balance their personal needs and wants against those of others. They also know how to contribute to the welfare of society.

We all want our children to grow up to be responsible adults who are good citizens with positive values. But then how can children become successful people, and what role we can play in that process?

Dr. Haim Ginott, a school teacher and one of the greatest child psychologists once said, “Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression.”

With the advent of digital era, the 21st century children are being bombarded by negativity all day, every day. Be it TV, print media or digital media, all are full of trash. Due to excessive commercialization, TV programmes and movies are becoming negative time wasters instead of a source of positive entertainment. Even books, which used to be described with only good adjectives, are slowly but surely following this trend. We all know that the unmonitored digital culture has bad effects on kids, and may even act as a barrier between children and success.

Then how can we ensure that our children become better not just professionally and personally but also socially and emotionally? And how can we steer our children towards success and happiness?

In view of the special needs of today’s children, the Student’s Digest aims to play a humble part and provide the enabling environment to the 21st century children through the 21st century mediums. It intends to be a facilitator of holistic education and builder of worthy habits and characters. The objective is to instill the positive values during the formative years of today’s children. The Student’s Digest seeks to empower children to develop their own value system so that they become better human beings. Essentially, it aims to act as a bridge between children and lifelong success.

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