Hiteshwar Sharma AIR 3 (99.4%)
Hiteshwar Sharma, a student of Bhavan Vidyalaya School, Sector 15, Panchkula, scored 99.4% marks to claim the third position in the CBSE Class 10th board exams. Apart from excelling in the board examinations, this young lad is a talented cricketer who has represented Haryana at the national level. Unlike other teenagers, Hiteshwar is a master of his gadgets. When it comes to distractions, he tries to make sure that he eliminates all those things which may distract him. In this interview to Priya Sarin, this young achiever will share some words of wisdom and guide you on your path to success.
School is the very foundation of every student’s education. And the role that the parents play in their child’s success can never be undermined. How did your teachers and parents help you achieve this feat?
My parents and teachers played an instrumental role in my success. Both my teachers and parents had faith in me and they always motivated me to perform well in board exams. My parents acted as the ultimate source of advice and motivation for me whereas my teachers being epitomes of wisdom and knowledge taught each student in the best possible manner which ensured wonderful results.
Every person possesses some bad qualities and some good qualities. I not only try to pick up the good qualities of my friends but I also try to learn from their bad traits as I try to make sure that I don’t commit the same mistakes which my friends commit.
Your friends influence your behavior. Do you agree? If yes, how do you capitalize on it so that it has a positive effect on your performance? If your answer is no, how do you remain uninfluenced in this connected world?
Yes, the behavior of my friends influences my behavior to a great extent but in a completely positive manner. Every person possesses some bad qualities and some good qualities. I not only try to pick up the good qualities of my friends but I also try to learn from their bad traits as I try to make sure that I don’t commit the same mistakes which my friends commit. Example- Some of my very close friends used to ignore a particular subject just because they didn’t like it, but I treated every subject as equally important.
Some students focus on the short-term goals and some focus on long-term goals. But achievers usually have their short-term goals aligned with their long-term goals. Any tips for other students on the same?
One should focus on short-term goals with a clearly defined long-term goal in mind in such a manner that the positives gained after achieving different short term goals add up to ensure the accomplishment of long-term goal. Ignoring any of these is like derailing yourself from the right track and making an easier task much more difficult. Example- 100 per cent seriousness and efforts towards pre-boards (short term) is equally important and will enhance one’s performance in boards(long term).
Students of not so privileged families often find it difficult hard to balance their studies with their family obligations. Any simple time management tips for them?
Avoid studying in chaotic atmosphere as in such a situation the person feels satisfied at that moment but forgets answers in long run.
Studying in night or early morning can be beneficial for such students as the distractions are least during this time.
Study must mean study and nothing else so they must try to isolate themselves from family disturbance during studies.
Take parents in confidence. Once the parents of such students start believing in intellectual abilities of their child, they will themselves make efforts to make sure nothing disturbs their child and the journey will become easier.
Be extra attentive in class and follow each and every advice of teachers.
Distance yourself from people who don’t believe in working hard and believe in utilizing their parent’s assets for sustenance of their own life in future. Enjoy the company of hard working and inspiring people.
Achievers tend to complete difficult but important tasks first rather than delaying them. This helps them devote adequate time and attention to their important tasks. Can you tell me some of your preferred prioritization techniques that help you make most of your time?
I prefer to study those subjects first which I don’t like to study or in other words the subjects which present much more problems to me than any other subject. Example- If a student faces difficulty in studying Mathematics and English; he/she should start with these subjects because after completing the revision of these subjects, the study of other subjects will appear relatively easier to the person and after completing revision of all topics or subjects one will feel confident in all subjects because the recently concluded subjects were his/her favorite.
Many students tend to sacrifice on their sleep and hobbies for exams. Did you do so? If yes, did it help? If not, what would you advise other students on the same?
Yes, I sacrificed my hobby for exams. I played cricket for Haryana at national level when I was in class 8 (Under-14, won bronze medal) and in class 9(Under-17). I was the captain of Panchkula in School State in class 10 and I got selected to represent my state at Nationals for the third consecutive time. Unfortunately the dates of National were clashing with my pre-board. I approached my father for advice and he asked me to give pre-boards without any second thought. At that time I felt very bad but respected his opinion. Today I am proud of my decision. If you are targeting merit in boards, your priority should be studies. Moreover, missing an exam like pre-board can be disastrous.
The best way to remain curious and keep learning new things is to learn from surroundings. Rather than choosing an idol who is very far from me or is at a completely different level, I choose my friends as my idols and then compete with them.
Albert Einstein famously said that his curiosity is his real talent. As kids, humans are naturally curious and that is how we pick up skills like walking and talking. But sadly as we grow old, we lose this skill. But an all-rounder like you can surely share some tips on how to remain curious and keep learning new things?
The best way to remain curious and keep learning new things is to learn from surroundings. Rather than choosing an idol who is very far from me or is at a completely different level, I choose my friends as my idols and then compete with them. I have picked up many things from my friends like debating, dramatics, academics and of course cricket. One should work hard till his idol becomes his rival. For example – MS Dhoni cannot always come and help you in improving your game, but your friend can.
One should work hard till his idol becomes his rival.
Are you the master of your gadgets or their slave? In this digital age, how do you practice self-control when it comes to distractions?
I am the master of my gadgets. When it comes to distractions I try to make sure that I eliminate all those things which are distracting me. For example- Deleting a game which is wasting your time; keeping yourself away from social media (The time you invest in social media keeps on increasing with time as it leads to addiction). If you are the true master of your gadget you can use it in an innovative way like I did.(After a number of pre boards just before exams I adopted a technique to revise the lengthy syllabus of Social Science; I used to set 5 minute timer on my mobile phone and at the start of these 5 minutes I used to set a goal like 4-5 questions. This ensured speed and minimum wastage of time.)
Priya Sarin