Fiona Edwin AIR 2 (99.75%)
Fiona Edwin, a student of L’ecole Chempaka ISC, Trivandrum scored 99.75% in her class 12th ISC board exams. She topped her state and secured AIR 2. She enjoys drawing and playing badminton. She had taken the science stream and aspires to become a doctor. In this interview to Priya Sarin, Fiona is here to guide you with her wisdom and help you prepare for your exams. Let’s learn from the best.
It is said that behind every successful student stands a teacher. How did your teachers and parents help you in your preparation for the exams?
My teachers have always encouraged me to strive to perform better after each exam. They would find time to clear my doubts. In fact, it is their support and guidance that led to my achievement. The involvement of my parents helped me to stay motivated through my up’s and down’s. The confidence they had in me gave me the strength to do my best. My achievement is theirs too.
A common complaint among most students is that they find it hard to concentrate. Any tips on the same?
The best way to concentrate is to keep yourself away from distractions during study time. It is how well you study even in a short duration and not for how many hours you study that matter. Even if you are studying for 10 minutes,focus completely and study as if you are going to have an exam the next day.
Making short notes after finishing a chapter was very helpful during times of revision. Try to attend all the classes and do your homework regularly.
Little things make a big difference. Can you share some simple study techniques and tips that you followed?
Taking short breaks had helped me refresh my brain. It was a good way to study better and much more efficiently. This had also enabled me to increase the amount of time i could sit for studying in one go and at the same time to concentrate better. Making short notes after finishing a chapter was very helpful during times of revision. Try to attend all the classes and do your homework regularly. Even small class-tests should be taken seriously as it is small things like this that can make a big difference.
Different students have different learning styles. What is yours? How do you ensure that you study efficiently and effectively?
I gave priority in understanding the concepts. When I had any difficulty, I would asks my teachers or refer youtube videos. I didn’t have a daily schedule or timetable. Instead I just had weekly targets to keep a check on the portions I can complete in a week. I believe that hard-work is the key to success. If you work hard, the results will automatically come to you. Avoid keeping everything for the end and prepare for all tests as you would prepare for the board exams. Even if you could not go over whatever had been taught the same day, the weekends can be utilized.
Snacking while studying is unavoidable. What are your favourite snacks to eat while studying that are healthy and satiate your hunger without making you feel lethargic?
Snacking is the best way to keep you interested in studies. Any kind of chips would prevent me from feeling bored. Eating snacks is also an effective way to avoid feeling sleepy while studying.
Students of not-so-privileged families often find it hard to balance their studies with their family obligations. Any simple time management tips for them?
A major part of the learning can be completed in class itself if we listen attentively. This will reduce the burden while studying at home and also helps to save time. These children can try to finish their studies at school itself taking extra help from their teachers when required.
More emphasis should be given to mental health rather than physical health. Every student has his own calibre, memory power and stamina.
Toppers recognise that well-being is very important for their academic and personal success. They know that being well is a key to doing well in life, and it helps them to perform to the best of their ability day in and day out. But then, many students ignore their health for the sake of studies? How do you take care of your physical and mental health?
More emphasis should be given to mental health rather than physical health. Every student has his own calibre, memory power and stamina. Try to accept this fact so as to avoid unnecessary comparisons that can lead to disappointing yourself. Do not indulge so much in studies that you forget about your heath. Give enough time for everything without stressing out. That, a good night’s sleep and a calm head before the examinations are bound to show results.
What was your exam game plan? What role did self-motivation and self-confidence play in your success?
If you strongly believe that you can do something, no one can prevent you from doing it. Always hope for the best. Stay firmly in what you believe you can do without doubting your abilities. If I performed bad in any exam,I would console myself that it was not the end of the world and I would take it as a driving force to perform better for the next exam.
Theoretically, toppers are more vulnerable to exam anxiety because one mark here and there can make a big difference in their outcomes. How do you deal with exam anxiety?
Expectations are a major cause of anxiety among toppers. Don’t take negative comments from other people to your heart .All of us are humans and making mistakes are natural. The way we take small mark differences determines our mental well-being. I have always tried to see the positive side of everything. Of course,It is not that easy but eventually you will learn to deal with this effectively.
Be happy, appreciate yourself, take breaks but do not get over confident. Do not let your past affect your present endeavours.
Toppers have many positive habits and mindsets that enable them to perform well and achieve success. Can you suggest a few such habits and thought patterns which can help your juniors improve their grades and overall life?
Do not think that you cannot make it among the toppers. Believe in yourself and your capabilities. Avoid pressurising yourself. As the pressure surmounts, you tend to lose focus and eventually it will affect your performance. Be happy, appreciate yourself, take breaks but do not get over confident. Do not let your past affect your present endeavours. The fact that you didn’t perform well in an exam should not deter you from excelling in the coming exams. Learn from your mistakes so that you never repeat them. This process will ultimately lead to what you deserve.
Priya Sarin