Digital Life Vs Real Life

Do you ever upload your bad pictures or broadcast your mistakes and failures on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram? Of course not! And do you think anyone else would do such things? Then why do you often find yourself comparing your life with others based on what their social media account says. More often than not, people just put their best act on these platforms instead of revealing their real and true self. Because in the game of likes and followers, individuality and genuineness take a back seat.

Earlier we were advised not to compare our real life with the reel life. But with the advent of internet area, it is very important to learn how to avoid comparing our real life with someone else’s digital life. More often than not, people are not as happy as they pretend to be on social media. If not entirely fake, it is definitely a touched-up version of their actual life. So don’t compare the worst of yourself with the best of others. It is unfair to you. And it is pointless to focus on others’ lives more than you focus on your own life. Remember, you have no control over the lives of others, you can only control your own life.

Thanks to the ready and easily available information, we have an infinite number of criteria and an almost infinite number of people for comparison. The key word here is ‘infinite’. Comparison in itself is infinite. First you will compare yourself with someone who has a better phone and then when you buy the same phone, you will compare yourself with someone who has a car. Even in the same category, comparison never ends. You may think that having the latest iPhone will end your resentment and cure your comparison problem but just as you are about to get a hang of your new device and become accustomed to it, Apple will decide to launch a new, slightly better and more expensive version. There is no destination on this troubled road, and this path will only take you and your life downwards. Social media was meant to connect people. So, use it to come closer to people instead of feeling jealous of them and resenting them. Remember, everyone has a different journey. Don’t go off track by focusing too much on where others are going. Focus on your destination and success and happiness will be yours.

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