Dhatri Mehta AIR 3 (99.4%)
In the recently concluded CBSE Class X Board Examination, Dhatri Mehta, a student of Reliance Foundation School, Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai secured pan-India 3rd rank with a score of 497/500 (99.4%). She also scored a perfect 100 in Maths, Science, Social Studies and Sanskrit. Dhatri intends to pursue Engineering studies and has taken science stream. She is an all-rounder who is interested in elocution, debates, quizzes as well as sport activities like badminton and martial arts. She is an enthusiastic Bhajan singer and takes up volunteer work whenever given an opportunity. She wants her education to make her capable to serve the nation in the best of her capacity. While rigorous studies often take a toll of student’s temperament, Dhatri depends on yoga and meditation as a positive stress-buster. She is always clued on with current affairs – especially politics. In her spare time, she reads and loves to play with younger children who look up to her as their “Didi”.
In this interview with Priya Sarin, Dhatri would like to share some words of wisdom to guide you all on your path to success. Let’s learn from the best!
School is the very foundation of every student’s education. And the role that the parents play in their child’s success can never be undermined. How did your teachers and parents help you achieve this feat?
>> My parents and teachers indeed had a big role to play in this success. Right from the beginning, my teachers spent a lot of time with me, helping sharpen my skills to compete with the best. My parents played a supportive role by helping me plan my studies in an organized and practical way. They were my backbone.
How do you deal with clutter – physical as well as mental – that may affect your performance?
>> The best way to deal with clutter, both physical and mental is to go out and play in the open, with people of your age. I made it a point to try and go down to play every day, despite the homework I got and never to miss any of my PE periods in school. They are a great way to socialize, de-stress and stay emotionally healthy.
Some students focus on short-term goals and some focus on long-term goals. But achievers usually have their short-term goals aligned with their long-term goals. Any tips for other students on the same?
>> The best way to stay focused on short-term as well as long-term goals is to align them with each other, so that at no point of time do you get confused about what you want to achieve. Each short-term goal you achieve takes you a step closer to your ultimate goal.
Achievers tend to complete difficult but important tasks first rather than delaying them. This helps them devote adequate time and attention to their important tasks. Can you tell me some of your preferred prioritization techniques that help you make the most of your time? Ultimately, it is the effort put in by an individual that counts. Rural students have more endurance and other much-needed skills which urban dwellers often tend to lack.
>> While preparing for examinations it is very important to prioritize. I used to finish the most difficult or lengthy chapters first instead of delaying them. After intense studying for four to five months, I had figured out that I work most efficiently early in the morning and my pace begins to slow down by noon. So, I aimed at finishing the most demanding topics at the earliest, even though it meant that I had finished fewer chapters till noon. Then it took less time to finish the shorter or most-revised topics in the evening and my count was restored till night.
Rural students are high on talent but low on confidence. Can you share any confidence-boosting tips for them?
Ultimately, it is the effort put in by an individual that counts. Rural students have more endurance and other much-needed skills which urban dwellers often tend to lack. It is these values and skills which take people from rural background to great heights. Rural students are as good as urban students, if not better in most places. All they need is the right kind of platform to provide them the launch-pad they require. The government has a vital role to play in this aspect.
For students of this digital age, focusing and working on one thing has become the biggest obstacle. But your results show you know how to concentrate while studying. What are the main things students can do to concentrate better?
>> In this digital age, it becomes EXTREMELY IMPORTANT for students to stay away from distractions. And with gadgets, particularly the mobile phone, it is becoming increasingly difficult to stay focused. Students tend to sway away from their path and end up totally losing their focus. I would suggest students to practice meditation every day for 5-10 minutes. It has a remarkable effect on your concentration. Also, practicing self-control over some of your desires, like chatting on social media, will surely lead to better results.
In this highly competitive world, exam stress and anxiety are inevitable. Any tips on how to combat them?
>>Like I have mentioned before, meditation and breathing techniques (pranayama) are a great help. They de-stress you, fill you with positivity and help you stay focused. You feel confident about yourself and your preparation, and then writing the exam becomes a cakewalk (that is if you have prepared well, in the first place!). You don’t get nervous breakdowns and write the exam with a cool mind.
How did you maintain your momentum throughout the year and what did you do to break the monotony of preparation?
>> My school teachers helped me in maintaining my momentum throughout the year. Since the first day, I prepared my notes and did my homework keeping the final goal in my mind. With every class test or school exam, I found myself getting a step closer to my final goal. My teachers were a constant source of motivation and guidance whenever required. They helped me perfect my writing style and get close to writing a flawless paper. My parents maintained a healthy atmosphere in my home, without a trace of stress or pressure of any sort. And it was only because of this stress-free environment that I could sustain throughout class 10, which is probably the longest school year. To break the monotonous period of preparation, I often went out with my parents, or went down to play.
What are the most important things that students should focus on while preparing for the boards?
>> The most important things while preparing for the boards are concept clarity and writing style. Without knowing the concepts well, one cannot answer an application-based question properly, or for that matter, even one based on understanding. Along with thorough knowledge of concepts, you should also know how to put down your ideas on paper in a comprehensive, but to-the-point manner. PAPER PRACTICE IS MUST FOR THIS. Solving sample papers brings to your notice the probable areas where you o make a mistake and gives you a chance to correct it. Solving test-papers or previous year’s question papers gives you immense confidence and completes your exam preparation.
Many students tend to sacrifice on their sleep and hobbies for exams. Did you do so? If yes, did it help? If not, what would you advise other students on the same?
>> I did not sacrifice on my sleep or hobbies for exams. I used to get a good 7-hour sleep during exams and even learnt Kung-fu as a hobby. I could manage all this only because of effective time management practices. I regularly followed a timetable — getting up early in the morning at 5:30 am, meditating, and starting my studies by 6:30 am, studying till 1:00 pm, taking a lunch break, resuming from 2:30 pm and the continuing till 8:00 pm. After that, my parents made it a point to send me out to play. That rejuvenated me and kept me going.
In general happy people are healthy people, and healthy people are happy people. And happy and healthy people have a better shot at success. Do you agree? Why?
>> Yes, without doubt, healthy and happy people have a better shot at success. As the saying goes, ’A healthy mind resides in a healthy body’. Good health helps us in implementing our plans to achieve our desired goals. Poor health poses restrictions. So, it is absolutely necessary to be in good shape and good spirits. Physical exercise is essential for this.
Little things make a big difference. Can you share some simple study techniques and tips that you followed?
>> Personally, I followed a practice of maintaining a small diary titled ‘WHERE CAN I IMPROVE?’, in which I put down the minutest details on improvement given by my teachers as well as those I came across myself. These included ‘calculations, substitutions and time management’ for mathematics, ‘map practice, writing in pointers, learning the text’ for social science, ‘diagrams, terminologies, presentation’ for biology, ‘equations, reactions, catalysts’ for chemistry, ‘calculations, concepts, ray diagrams’ for physics, ‘grammar, spellings, meanings’ for Sanskrit and finally, ‘use of connectors, comprehension and grammar’ in English.
~ Priya Sarin
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