Bhavya Bhatia AIR 2 (99.6%)

Bhavya Bhatia, a student of BRSK International Public School, Jind, scored 99.6% in the CBSE class 12th board examinations. She secured AIR 2 by scoring a perfect 100 in Hindi, History, Political Science and Economics. She lost just 2 marks in her English exam and ended up an incredible score of 498. A true all-rounder, she took keen interest in sports and excelled in extra-curricular activities as well. This wise girl avoided social media while focussing on her goals. And like a true achiever, she is self-reliant and confident. She never took any tuitions and focused on self-study. Apart from being a brilliant student, she is also an exceptional human being who wants to serve the society. She already has her targets set and would like to become an IAS officer and focus on cruelty against animals and women empowerment.

It is said that behind every successful student stands a teacher. How did your teachers and parents help you in your preparation for the exams?
Yes, it’s very true. My parents and teachers played an important role in preparation of my exams. Whenever there was any doubt regarding anything, my teachers were always there for me. At home, my parents were continuously encouraging me. During preparation of one of my exams, I got very much stressed. It was due to my parents support that I was able to cope it. They always say to give your best and don’t think too much about the results.

A little stress is a good motivator and acts as a driving force, but a lot of stress is harmful and hampers our performance. How do you ensure that stress does not negatively affect you?
Definitely, a little stress is beneficial but a lot of stress doesn’t let us do the task. This is what happened to me during the preparation of one of the subjects. So, to ensure that stress does not affect us negatively, we should talk about it to our parents, teachers or friends who can encourage us and support us. Meditation is also a way to get rid of extra stress. During exam preparation, we must give some time to do the things that make us happy. These are the things which I usually do.

Did you practise any ‘mock tests’? Do you think they’re necessary for excelling in exams?
I didn’t practise mocks test that much.
But I think practising mock tests can be beneficial to students .

 I think emotional clutter can be dealt by talking and sharing our views with parents, teachings and friends.

As a thinking being, all of us suffer from emotional clutter. And while the physical clutter is easier to get rid of, dealing with emotional clutter can be challenging. Any tips for the same?
I think emotional clutter can be dealt by talking and sharing our views with parents, teachings and friends. Then, there is meditation and a stop to overthinking, doing things which make us happy. Interaction with people .

Any special study tips for the not-so-privileged children to make the most of their learning?
The children who are not so privileged must believe in themselves and take their challenges as opportunities. They should try to make out best with what they have and must not have any inferiority complex.

 The ‘lack of time’ thing most of the times is just lack of our ability to manage our time.

Most students label ‘lack of time’ as the main hurdle on their road to success. But your results show that you surely know how to manage your priorities and create a balance in your life. Can you share some tips regarding how you prioritise your life and make the most of your time?
The ‘lack of time’ thing most of the times is just lack of our ability to manage our time. Sometimes, I too faced this situation but usually what I do is to ask myself which things I should prioritise. It is based on my interests and how much beneficial is it to me. It’s necessary to ask ourselves whether what we are doing is what we actually want.

Self-motivation and self-confidence play an important role in success. How did you ensure that you stayed motivated and confident?
Self motivation and self confidence are the things without which it’s impossible to succeed. To ensure this, I used to say it to myself that I can do. Sometimes, I would read success stories of people. If in situation, I felt as if I am losing it, I would talk to my friends, parents and teachers. I used to remind it to myself that what I am doing is that which will help me to fulfil my dreams.

Most students fail to understand the difference between being busy (just doing something) and being productive (doing something important). How do you ensure that you are productive?
This is a very common issue, I think.
To ensure the productivity of something we are doing is to analyse ourselves after doing that thing, to understand what I had before doing it and how much time and efforts I am spending on it.

Most students forget what they have studied in just a few days. Any tips for improving the memory and ensuring better retain and recall?
Well, it is the case with most of the students. In this situation what we can do is to understand the concept rather than just cramming. Try to understand while relating it with anything in your surrounding or any personal experience.
Revision and discussions of what we have read or learn is very important. We should take healthy diet and meditate for a better memory.

Priya Sarin

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