BCM Arya – AIR 1, 2 & 3 (FMM)

National Toppers- FMM Stream

Financial Market Management (FMM) is a term most high school students would shy away from. And excelling in a new and relatively uncommon field is not a piece of cake. But this is exactly what Pranjal Ahuja, Ishan Singla and Mehar Gandhi of B.C.M. Arya Model Sr. Sec. School, Shastri Nagar have done. They stood 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively in the country in the CBSE class 12th board exams in the FMM Stream. When I contacted them to share the tips on how they achieved this remarkable feat, here is what they had to share. Let’s see how these youngsters did it and follow their footsteps!



Take care of the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves. Track self-induced interruptions, too, particularly smartphones. Be sure to get plenty of sleep and exercise. An alert mind is a high-functioning mind and one that’s less tolerant of time-wasting activities. The time you spend thinking ahead and planning your activities is trivial compared with the time you’ll lose jumping from one thing to the next (and rarely completing anything) Last but not the least , make optimum use of your pedagogy.

~Pranjal Ahuja (Ist in FMM Stream at All India Level)


Time management is essentially the most important component of scoring a good percentage in board class. Allocate sufficient time to each subject, keeping in mind that each and every subject demands your wholehearted devotion. It is totally fine to take breaks. Go on outings with family during your preparation as it would reduce the pressure. If one feels distracted he/she should think about why they started in the first place. Sweat a little in the brain gym i.e your school and always be grateful to your teachers and parents for they are the backbones of your success.

~ Ishan Singla (2nd In FMM Stream at All India Level)



Make sure you’re engaging in activities that support your goals. Your smartphone is extremely useful, but it’s also addictive and among the most insidious time-wasters known to mankind. It may take a massive exercise in will power, but shut the door and turn off your phone to maximize your time. One of the greatest ways to relieve stress is through physical activity. Leave the place where you are studying in order to re-energize. Divide your lessons into small chunks and take short breaks. Be stronger than the hurdles that life throws at you.

~ Mehar Gandhi (3rd In FMM Stream at All India Level)

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