Apoorva Gulati AIR 3 (99.4%)

Apoorva Gulati is a gifted scholar, quick learner, sincere and an industrious student. She has demonstrated tremendous growth year after year. She has that combination of a positive attitude and the belief that she can always improve which is essential to the learning process. She displays a sincere commitment and diligence in everything she does. Her exceptional academic performance is a direct result of her hard work, strong focus and determination. She is able to successfully complete multiple tasks with favorable results despite deadline pressure. Her work ethics are admirable. Her personal strengths are as impressive as her intellectual accomplishments. Her amicability, cheerfulness coupled with her sensitivity is admired by her classmates. She is a trustworthy, reliable and conscientious student who has proved to be a valuable asset to the Institution.

Brief Introduction of Apoorva’ s School: Little Angels Sr. Sec. School, Sonipat (Haryana) is an institution being run by a body of members who are keenly interested in the field of education. The institution has been highly acclaimed in academics and in the field of sports too. The students have consistently shown excellent performance with remarkable achievements in academics, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The sports stars of the institution have made Haryana feel proud by winning medals and trophies not only at the State level but at National and International levels also. The institution has highly sophisticated infrastructure, well equipped laboratories, child friendly atmosphere and the finer points such as the ‘Smart Class-rooms and 3D Theatres-the most hi-tech learning environment. The Management and the Staff constantly monitor, analyse and refine all aspects of teaching and learning. Little Angelians soaring high, like the eagle are exploring new avenues of knowledge, formation of character, imbibing human virtues to become responsible citizens of this global community.

In this interview with Priya Sarin, Apoorva is here to share some amazing study tips with you all. Let’s pay heed to the winner and follow her footsteps!

Good schooling and proper parental support are the main pillars behind every student’s success. What role did your teachers and parents play in your success?
Both my teachers and my parents played a central role in my success. It has been a delight to interact with the wise teachers throughout the year. They provided me with all the resources to help me succeed. At the same time, my parents gave me their full support and encouraged me to test my limits, also helping me to stay positive all the year round. They’ve been my mentors in the real sense.

Clutter doesn’t seem to bother students much. But then, it is said that keeping your surroundings clean is important for success. What are your views on this?
It is very true that clean surroundings increase the chances of success. Being in a clean room dears one’s mind and increase one’s aesthetics, thus promoting creating and positivity. I have noticed a significant increase in my efficiency whenever I work in a tidy room. A messy room leads to messy thoughts.

To succeed in annual exams, one needs to be consistent in his or her studies throughout the year. But it is easier said than done and one is likely to burn out. What are the things that helped you overcome mental and emotional fatigue?
There were, indeed, many occasions last year when I had almost given up. But then it struck me that the achievement of my goal would be a joy greater than any short term pleasure. Today I realise it was worth it! I received constant support of my teachers, parents and friends who helped me stay motivated and overcome mental and emotional fatigue. I would advise my juniors to see the big picture and work till the end. Do stay in contact with people who radiate positivity!

A curious mind plays an important role in a student’s quest for knowledge. It helps him learn new things and become better. What are your views on the importance of being curious and inquisitive?
Curiosity helps a student test what he already knows and trains him to think beyond what is required for examinations. It prompts him to ask questions, find out more and be a scholar in real sense. An inquisitive student finds beauty in education and an in depth study of things helps him score better as well.

Self-motivation and self-control are necessary to succeed in school and beyond. What are your thoughts on this?
Self-motivation and self-control both play a major role in a person’s success. A person who is motivated will not be worried or tense in difficult motivated will not be worried or tense in difficult situations and will keep going till he gets what he wants. A controlled mind knows what is best for it in the long term. It will try to eliminate distraction and ensure success. So if your mind perceives success, you’ll achieve it!

Some students focus on short-term goals and some focus on long-term goals. But achievers usually have their short-term goals aligned with their long-term goals. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? And how do you plan to achieve your goals?
My primary long term goal is to satisfy my curiousity by engaging in research in Physics. I have planned a series of short term goals to reach the same. This includes getting a good score in JEE and other competitive examinations along with class XII Board exams. Later I would take a sheet at my room institutes like IISERs. Going step by step should help me achieve my goal of being a researcher within the next 10 years.

What are the most important things that students should focus on while preparing for the boards?
There is an irrational fear of Board examinations amongst students. Only when they attempt the exams, are they able to gain confidence. Students are advised to stay focussed on their course structure and study the prescribed NCERT textbooks thoroughly. Stress should be avoided and equivalent time should be devoted to irrational activities to stay positive and stress-free. Regular and consistent hard work definitely yields a sweet result. During the days just before the exams, they should maintain a proper sleep cycle. A balanced diet is required throughout the year.

Good health and well-being makes a genuine difference in students’ quality of life and productivity. Why do you think these factors are important to succeed in life?
A sound mind resides in a sound body. Regular workout sessiosn and proper diet wipes out the fatigue faced by students when they sit and study for long hours. This also presents prevalent disorders in today’s youth. Yoga is a popular stress buster. Students can take up sports as well to balance their work and health. This eventually calms the mind and increases the chances of success. After all, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!

 Priya Sarin

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