Anoushka Chandra – AIR 2
Anoushka Chandra, a student of Seth Anandram Jaipuria School came second in the CBSE class 12th board exams. She scored a perfect 100 in History, Political Science, Economics and Psychology. With a total of 498 out of 500, she secured AIR 2. According to her school principal Mrs Manju Rana, a go getter, Anoushka, depicted leadership qualities from her early childhood and her consistent performance and grooming by the teachers led her to the prestigious position of the school Head Girl. She vivaciously maintained a great tandem in every aspect of learning.
When we contacted her, like a true torch-bearer, this young girl was more than willing to help her juniors. Be it the topic of time management or combating stress, this wise girl has knowledge of them all. Pay heed to this young winner and learn how to manage your physical and mental health, avoid distractions and effectively and efficiently study and give exams. Here is what she shared with me regarding the important study skills, let’s follow her footsteps and learn from the best.
This is indeed a great opportunity for me to help a bit, the students, in their future endeavors. “If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed.” Start your journey since the day-1 itself. I would like to guide on few topics-
>> Time–management :
This is main key for taking yourself to zenith. There are limited number of hours in a day which are equal for everyone, it depends how you utilize it properly. First set your goals and create a priority list. Then allocate your resources accordingly and set daily targets, keeping in view the amount of syllabus you need to cover. Start a bit early so that in case, due to some urgencies your routine won’t be hampered much. Do create a timetable. Take proper gap in between study hours. Don’t lose much of your focus. There are limited number of hours in a day which are equal for everyone, it depends how you utilize it properly. First set your goals and create a priority list.
>> Combating Stress :
Stress is something we ourselves create. Even an electric bulb needs optimum amount of stress to light up. So, stress should only be up to that level which arouses you to focus and do more. Plan well and if you don’t feel like doing anything, don’t force yourself to study. Be calm and composed. If there’s any problem bothering you then you better look as to how you may solve it rather than cribbing. It’s never too late, synergy and determination can do wonders.
>> Avoiding Distractions:
In today’s world, there are indeed many distractions, which sometimes leads to a shift in our focus. It just leads to downfall in performance- be it social, academicals or physical. You should plan yourself in such a way that during study hours, you keep everything aside and as soon as you are done with the target, you may then check your phone etc. Remember only these few years require sacrifices and compromises and then after you get settled, you will be thankful that you made these compromises.
>> Managing Physical and mental health :
Keeping yourself healthy is the biggest deal. Eat nutritious and homemade food. Avoid eating outside food as it may lead to diseases. Exercise daily, it keeps you fit and also acts as a stress buffer. Even a simple 30 minutes walk would be fine. Mental health is equally important. Obviously, you need to at mental peace in order to work efficiently. Be emotionally strong and if you are having any issue, discuss with family members or friends whoever you feel comfortable with. But don’t let any issue creep into you in depth. “If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed.”
>> Exam tip:
Be regular and consistent throughout the year. Finish syllabus by October- November. Give ample time for revision. Tackle those 3 hours of examination smartly. After you are done with syllabus, do as many question papers as possible. Develop answer writing skills and go through the marking schemes to get a fair idea. BE RELAXED AND STAY CALM!
– Anoushka Chandra, CBSE 12th, All India Rank-2, Seth Anandram Jaipuria School