Abheya Arora – AIR 3
Abheya Arora of St Joseph’s Convent School, Jalandhar made her school and the city proud by bagging the AIR 3 in the ICSE Class X examinations. She scored 99 percent overall with a perfect 100 in Mathematics, Computer Science and Science. This wise girl has joined the Commerce stream and aspires to become either a Chartered Accountant or clear the Civil Services exam. This firm believer of self-study took no tuitions or coaching classes and advises you the same. She believes in being self-reliant. In this interview to Priya Sarin, she discusses various topics such as: prioritising your life, boosting your brainpower, studying well, and much more. Let’s learn from the best and try to follow her footsteps!
What role did your school and parents play in your achievements?
>> In my case school played the most integral part. I took no tuitions or coaching. If it hadn’t been for the dedication, concern and hard work of my teachers, I would never been able to reach this height. I can not thank my teachers enough. There blessings and support was highly helpful. I got great help from my peers and even seniors in school in guiding and helping me. I would thank my parents for cooperating with me. In my case, unlike others, I was never ready to miss my school so I would pester my parents to drop me in spite of being unwell or streets being waterlogged or when mode of conveyance was not available. I have troubled them a lot.
Get involved in understanding what you are reading that’ ll automatically rivet your attention.
Students consider physical health as well being but winners like you that well being is broad concept which includes brain power too. Any special tips you would like to share for boosting brain power and improving concentration and memory?
>> Having a good brainpower and concentration is really an important part of being well. It happens over a period of time. Your brain becomes conditioned to the way you like it. According to my observance and experience, here are a few tips that might help:
Be receptive to knowledge irrespective of the fact that it is concerning your course or not.
Think deeply into facts, try to analyse them from all aspects it improves logic and understanding.
Try developing the habit of reading.
Take to written practice.
Don’t cram.
Have a positive attitude.
While studying, be in a room which doesn’t have any electronic devices like TV or computer.
Get involved in understanding what you are reading that’ ll automatically rivet your attention.
Prefer studying alone in a secluded place.
Try to realise the merits of self-study (It makes you aware of your own abilities, you might surprise yourself. It also improves speed and makes your brain sharp).
Try to realise the merits of self-study (It makes you aware of your own abilities, you might surprise yourself. It also improves speed and makes your brain sharp).
Thanks to our hectic lifestyles nowadays most people find it hard to prioritise. But your results show that you surely know how to keep and manage your priorities and create a balance in your life . Can you guide others on the same.
>> To prioritise tasks there is a simple technique:
Jot down all the things that you have to or want to do and divide them into 4 categories and do them in the same order –
1. Urgent and important.
2. Urgent but not important.
3. Important but not urgent.
4. Neither important nor urgent.
Other tips that can help you prioritise and save time are:
1. Know your weak and strong points and spend time on them accordingly.
2. You should know the average amount of time you require to learn a particular subject or topic, according to this you can ascertain the difficulty by comparing the time you spent on it.
3. If you don’t understand something, don’t spend hours on it and move ahead.
4. Finish easy topics first as that boosts your confidence and you can even help you conquer the difficult topics easily.
We already spend 6 hours of our day in school. Try to make the best of it and leave the least possible for home. Just try to understand the concept when the teacher is explaining (There have been days when I haven’t studied a single word at home).
I was lucky to be friends with like-minded people. It is better to be alone than in a bad company. Try get rid of the bad influences in your life.
How did you overcome exam related stress and anxiety? What were your stress busters?
I would lay down with my eyes closed for 15 -20 minutes.
Talk or chat with friends.
I was lucky to be friends with like-minded people. It is better to be alone than in a bad company. Try get rid of the bad influences in your life.
Listen to music.
Listen to poetry or try writing a few lines (I am a great admirer of poetry).
Avoid using phone as a means of relaxation after studying as it is manly your eyes that need rest.
A certain amount of anxiety is good. The feeling of butterflies in your stomach and nervousness is kind of beneficial because you tend to do better under adrenaline rush.
Self-motivation and self-confidence play an important role in success. How did you insure you stay motivated?
Poetry and painting which are my hobbies had a great impact in making me motivated and confident. If not doing those I would listen to other poets and see paintings.
My teachers had great trust in me and they motivated me a lot.
In school, we had a ritual of prayer twice a day and meditation once which helps you energise and motivate yourself.
You should never compare yourself with anyone, just try to do better than you did last time as a quote goes: “Look in the mirror that is your competition.”
If I am ever demotivated, I think of a prayer we had in school.
“Count your blessings name them one by one and it’ll surprise you what the lord has done……”
Achievers tend to lead an organised life. How do you deal with the clutter and ensure that it doesn’t come in way of your success march?
>> No success is easy or without hurdles. The desire to have everything organised and under control sometimes cause dismay. We want things to go a certain way but usually God has other plans so just go with the flow and face everything with courage.
I lost my grandfather a month before my pre-boards. It was not only emotionally stressful but the environment was also unwholesome. It is not easy to study in such an environment. But success doesn’t come easy. Whenever you feel that you are being pulled back remember an arrow has to be pulled back before it can be propelled towards its aim. (I realise that now)
A good sleep is really important for studying. I used to have a good 8- 9 hour sleep during pre-boards as well as boards.
Can you share a few study techniques and tips that you followed to make studying easier and fun?
>> A good sleep is really important for studying. I used to have a good 8- 9 hour sleep during pre-boards as well as boards. The only way I was able to afford so much time for my sleep was because I have been consistent with my studies throughout the year. It is consistency that matters more than intensity.
For instance during my boards the reporting time used to be 10:20 AM and I used to get up at 9 o’clock.
The will to learn is really important. Whenever you start studying you should look at your book and say “come on let’s study” and not reluctantly that I will have to study. Help others and try to teach things you have a good grasp at to your fellows or juniors. It makes your concepts stronger.
You shouldn’t be pressurized by expectations. Do your best and leave the rest. I wished to get 90% and by god ‘s grace 95% but 99 % was not even in distant dreams. I wished to be in the merit list(top 10) of the school but I never imagined to secure 3rd rank in the country.
The will to learn is really important. Whenever you start studying you should look at your book and say “come on let’s study” and not reluctantly that I will have to study.
Little things make big difference. Any specific things you kept in your mind while giving exams?
Don’t panic.
Be honest to yourself.
Have faith in the lord and your efforts will bear fruits.
Try writing to the point and stick to word limit (I didn’t take continuation booklet in any exam except maths).
Don’t study 5 minutes before the exam ( it’ll cause you to panic).
In the end, I would like to say to all those aspiring to get great marks in any examination, don’t worry that is not going to help… put your best foot forward and believe in God. He has a plan for you.
~ Priya Sarin